Passion Fruit Boba

Makes 2 drinks

What you’ll need:

1/3 cup boba tapioca pearls

1/4 cup oat milk (we prefer a richer barista variety)

1/4 cup passion fruit pulp with the seeds (frozen or fresh)

1 Tbsp honey (add more if you prefer it sweeter)

1 can Passion Fruit & Yuzu Spare Tonic

What to do:

  • Cook the boba tapioca pearls in boiling water for 2 minutes. Turn the heat off and allow the tapioca pearls to steep in the hot water for an additional two minutes. Strain, rinse thoroughly under cold water and set aside. 

  • Combine the oat milk, passion fruit pulp, honey and Passion Fruit & Yuzu Spare Tonic in a small pitcher and stir to mix well.

  • Divide the boba pearls between two 16 oz glasses, top with ice and pour half of the passion fruit mixture in each glass.




SPARE Citrus Cold Buster