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Made in a kitchen - not in a lab - with cleaner, fewer ingredients, more nutritional value and a positive impact for life on our planet.
switch to spare. 

(When life hands you
more, use it.)

Save plants, eat burgers

now available!

Spare Burger

Spare Burger® is not a plant-based burger. It’s 100% humanely-raised beef blended with surplus vegetables, that’s it. Just more nutrition and more flavor. It’s not impossible.

A food service revolution

Spare Starter

Call it a 6 crop recipe booster or a plant-forward springboard for culinary innovation, Spare Starter® is an endlessly versatile, new approach to minimizing food waste, maximizing flavor, and letting your culinary creativity shine.

Refreshing, rehydrating, & revitalizing

Spare Tonic

Nourish the life you lead and the world you love with Spare Tonic®️: a delicious modern take on an ancient elixir. Made from locally-sourced, fresh whey, sip, savor, and feed your gut with protein, probiotics, essential vitamins, and electrolytes.

A World Of Inspiration


Our ingredients tell the story of The Spare Food Co. From discarded whey to Edible Surplus in all of its forms for fodder, they brilliantly exemplify the various ways that food is food, is food.

  • You’ve made it almost too easy to create menu-ready cocktails and mocktails at home; just choose your booze of choice, Spare Tonic, and a garnish and you’re set

    —Iain G., Rockstar Mixologist

The Culinary Revolution Is Here

If you work in food service, now is the time to scale real change. To bring healthier, more flavorful, and climate-friendly food to people where it counts: on the plate and for the planet. We built the foundation, now it's your turn to make it shine.